Sunday 12 March 2017

Busy week

Finally 3 dry and warm days in a row.  We started with some garden improvements.

A raised bed in our grass area by the house. We don't call in a lawn as it is not great quality! Underneath is the remains of a sand menage (horse area) we inherited. We did not really give the covering earth enough depth and it dries out in the height of summer. We are gradually installing the raised beds to break up the expanse.
Some of the soil is coming from the installation of edging along the path to my sewing cabin.  The rest is from our spare soil heap from turf removed from the veg bed creation two years ago - it is lovely crumbly soil now.

As the conditions have improved we have moved out the back and started digging over and cultivating for the summer crops. By this afternoon it was just about right and docks and plantians were easily removed.  After several hours we staggered back for a restful evening.  On the way I could not resist pulling the first half dozen sticks of rhubarb for tea.

Rain is expected tomorrow and we are taking the day off from gardening!


  1. The weekend was a good gardening time.

  2. Enjoy your lovely weather. The raised bed is going to be awesome.

    God bless.
