Friday 12 April 2019

Veg garden progress March into April

Its been dry and sunny here in Norfolk (just off The Wash) but cold. The east wind has a bite and the nights have had low temperatures. As a result the seedlings are beginning to back up in the greenhouse waiting for the temperatures to rise a bit.

Some things are hardening off just out side the door but ready to be put away on the very low nights.

My husband has made a nice deep trough for in the greenhouse to grow melons (and 2 early tomatoes). As the base is on concrete the greenhouse gets too hot in the height of a good summer for much. So hopefully the melons will love it. Never grown these before.   He utilised some rough old wood to off set the cost of the 2 big bags of compost he put in these.

The poly-tunnel only looks empty becuase you can't see much in the dry soil  Husband is trying a different method of watering again this year. He is putting the spray nozzles up 2 ft suspended between wooden posts. We can then weed/hoe without blocking the nozzles - which was a problem in past years when we tried seep hoses.

To the left are some radishes (see below), some spring onions and carrots sown via seed tapes just coming up and some stocks for cut flowers. In the middle at the far end are some brassicas - for an early crop protected from the east winds and the flock of pigeons. There are some strawberry plants on the right of this bed. Fresh plants for this year as the previous crop had to come out after 3 years.  To the right at the bottom are some spring greens  we put  in10 in January and we are having one a week for the kitchen. Planted between them as they matured are some cauliflower which always do well in here and give us an early crop. Then just to the front at this end are lettuce which are growing quite quickly now.
Baby radish picked today to liven up the shop brought salad!

Hoping for a change of winds and air flow (need to get southern winds) by Easter so we can forge ahead!  I will go and photo some of the fruit bushes etc to see how they are progressing today.

Hope your crops are coming on now.


  1. Love your poly tunnel and am envious that you have anything growing at all. Here we still fall below freezing at night and it will more than likely that nothing will be in the garden until mid May at least.

    God bless.

    1. I dont think I could bear that long a wait!
