Sunday 20 September 2020

Government working well?

 Over two days my husband received three letters from the Pension Service. From Belfast, with prepaid envelopes for return to Wolverhampton. 

Are you Mr G? Do you live at this address? Please sign this and return, we are looking for you. 


Same address for last 6 years where you have communicated with me on several occasions. Also you have communicated with me by email and text which would have been cheaper than printed letters and envelopes.  And I have just registered on the voting lists - so you could look it up electronically?

Why ask me twice in one post and then ask me again next day? Give me a chance to forget to reply - after all we am old and not going out much to post boxes as instructed by your Masters the Government?

Hang on. What about Mrs G? Do you not want to make sure she's still here and not under the patio?

First two letters went back in separate envelopes just to be annoying. Third letter is waiting for us to think up some "pithy" comment to write on it.  Might even re label it to Belfast just to be more annoying to them. 

How much time and money wasted?


  1. One would think they had better ways to spend money especially now during this pandemic.

    God bless.

  2. My experience of Government departments is equally frustrating......inefficient, and I once worked in one.

  3. I like that you are trying to jiggle their chain.
    Incompetent boobs. ;)
