Saturday, 20 June 2015

Early veg starting to impact on budget

The fruit and veg is starting to accumulate enough to make up 20% of our lunch and evening meals, Here is one afternoons pickings.

The swede is just thinning's but they made a tasty addition to the mash!  The blackcurrants are going black a few at a time so I am accumulating the pickings over a few days to make a big pie with some apples from the market. First cucumber - that saved 80p on its own this week.

We also had a nice picking of turnips one evening which I roasted with a dressing of honey. Was Ok but not exceptional I will have to look around for something more interesting for the nice young ones coming along,

Here is the following afternoon's pickings.

I will start to freeze some of the broad beans this week.

There are some flowers appearing on the peas and runner beans but progress is slow as some days have not been especially warm.

We have discovered another threat to the crops - my husband put his camera trap on video at the very end of the field and captured a deer early one morning. That explains the big bite marks in a sweetcorn leaf and the big pile of pooh on the grass.


  1. Your blackcurrants are very early, they must be in a sheltered sunny place.
    What a pain to have deer in the garden, lovely to see in a field but not what you want when trying to grow things, is there any way to keep them out?

  2. We could not afford the fencing! We will just have to work on hedges around the veg beds which will also break up wind flow and a fruit cage. We spoke to our neighbour today (40 years living here) who said the deer did not come round very often, so that was reassuring.

  3. It's lovely to start harvesting the fruits of our labour.
