Saturday, 16 December 2017

The water meter and the bill

The water meter was fitted under the sink at the beginning of the week so the husband has been monitoring what makes it tick round most. As there are no cupboard doors you can hear it clearly whenever water is used.  I have not helped his calculations by my antics with the dishwasher.

I can only hope that it will work out cheaper than the non-meter bill of £550 per year. Going through the bills I see that the water costs have increased by £42 over the last 3 years.  The water supplier says on a meter we should pay around £350 a year.  The difference has been ear-marked to install 2 more water butts for garden watering.

They sent a letter on Wednesday saying they had changed our monthly direct debit to £30 per month for the next 2 months.  On Thursday they sent a statement saying because we had changed mid year we were £58.92 in credit with them.  We expected another letter on Friday to explain one cancelled the other - nothing happened.  Suppose we will have to chase, and chase, and chase for clarity.  Hate direct debits it feels like you have no control of your bank account.

Apologies for keep changing the layout - I am looking for something exciting for the new year.


  1. I do very few bills by direct debit now because it's always a fight to get your money back. Our water bill is about £320 and we have lots of water butts to collect rainwater. It was a very dry spring in Essex last year.

  2. I haven’t a meter at the moment. I am tempted to but love to have the freedom to water the garden if I need to. I justify it by my solar panels.My electricity gas and water is covered by the revenue they make. When I see what water costs per year though I shudder. I don’t know how much I could save. Although only the 2 of us I have lots of visitors. I quite like the freedom of using what I like but feel a bit guilty about it.

    1. We hesitated on the same basis. Our visitors are terrible about running taps. 2 daughters in law are indian and wash up by running the water not filling a bowl. And those babies and their baths!

  3. I'm looking for something exciting for the new year too! (don't know what!)

    Hate DD for variable bills, I only did it for a while many years back and it was never easy to get money back, Utilities love it as they get their money in advance..... make 'em wait I say.

    Mrs F was paying a fortune for water here, as soon as we put a meter on it went down to half of what she was paying and 2 people instead of 1 too.

  4. I had a water meter installed less than a year ago. I was paying 29.00 per month (their suggestion based on previous usage); after 6 months this was increased to almost 50.00 per month which was just a little less than what we were paying before the installation. Then today I got a text asking me to text YES if I a) wanted a refund and b) monthly payment reduced to 36.00 per month. Of course I said YES!

  5. The guiding principle seems to be that if you have more bedrooms than people, then it's probably cheaper to have a meter.
