Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Stupidest bit of fly tipping ever

Spotted this canister in the verge while I was cycling to the shops for milk this morning. Thought I would take another look just after tea fearing it was motor oil that if hit by a vehicle it would flow  into the dyke behind the verge.  It was worse - it was nearly empty but it was a commercial herbicide. 
Look how many danger red triangles it has on it.  I read the warnings and jumped away - if it gets on your skin your hand will fall off!!!!!!

As it was virtually empty, I was tempted to pick it up, wrap it and put in my bin but would that make me liable for its safe disposal? Would putting it in the bin be safe? The bin is actually empty so all the next 2 weeks rubbish would go on top - what if it split?

Went home and reported it to the Borough Council.  They can come and pick it up. Last time I reported some fly tipping they came the next day.  Also put a warning on the village facebook page too..


  1. Well done you, best not to touch it, let the council who know how to deal with these things sort it out. I have noticed on our village facebook page more notices of fly tipping, it's horrible and can have no excuses for it. Having said that our local council tip now charges house holds for loads of items you want to skip. We also have to sort everything into different skips, I don't mind the sorting but can't understand the charges.

  2. Do you think a farmer has disposed of it? Well done for getting the word out.

    1. Lots of tractors/sprayers pass the house going to the various fields and it could have bounced off accidentally??

  3. How awful. A child or a pet could have picked that up. So irresponsible of the person not to dispose of it safely.
