Friday, 10 August 2018

Summer flu

We are laying on the settees, working our way through 2 boxes of tissues and taking all the flu remedies we can find in the back of the cupboard.

Made a big saucepan of minestrone soup to ease down the sore throats and even thinking porridge tomorrow as corn flakes can hurt!

Back soon - sneezing and coughing when you are using a laptop is impossible. 
Good job teddy and monkey have been left here by the grandchildren to comfort us along with a stack of books to read as current TV programming is hopeless.


  1. Oh no, summer colds and flu are the worst. Get well soon

  2. Awww Trish....I hope you get better soon.

  3. Hope you both feel better soon, nothing worse than a summer cold.

  4. Worst kind of colds and flu are the summer ones. Rest and rehydrate. Take care.

  5. So sorry. Colds and flu that are caught in the summer are the hardest to get rid of. Take care of yourselves.

    God bless.
