Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Strange grandchild?

Our 4 year old grandson came up from London at the weekend and spent the first afternoon with us running wildly around the garden till late while his parents took on some heavy duty gardening jobs for us.  After a big tea we were all sat in front of the fire talking when in a plaintiff voice he said:
"Isn't it time one of you put me to bed?"
Horror struck parents leapt to their feet, gosh, its 20 past 8.
"I go to bed at 8 and I am very tired"

Bad parents, we crowed at our son, Very bad parents. (Revenge for all the years of unwilling bed time routines)

Image result for tired childNext night he asked to go to bed at 7.45!!    Again, a day spent with grandparents had worn him out.

You hear about so many children being difficult to put to  bed (including the other son's 4 year old daughter), but not this one!  Well, not when he is worn out by us!


  1. It's always a special day with grandparents, bless him he was tired.

  2. Lots of fresh air and running around will do the trick every turn!

  3. One question lurks - how early did the adults need their beds?

  4. A boy after my own heart! Fresh air does this to me too and I have been known to be in the land of nod just after 9oclock!

  5. I often doze off during some 9pm programme!! In fact during Corrie St too at 7.30 but is that the story line or me?
