Saturday, 15 June 2019

Hares move in

Three days of rain and we hardly stirred outside. But when we did we found a bunch of hares had moved in and were making merry. Beetroot chewed, spinach nibbled right down, 3 ft high purple sprouting broccoli  taken from under a net, occupying the poly tunnel (obviously wanted to keep out of the rain in there) ...............
Image result for lady with broom image
Rain or not, we now have to pop out every half an hour and rush around scaring them off. Protected species so no long term harm can be done to them.

Next time I am in the garden centre I am going to give all the over the top Peter Rabbit merchandising a good kick.....


  1. We have had a family of jack rabbits nibbling our brand new grass. Brave things that they are I have to get pretty darn close before they take off.

    Hope you can get rid of your pesky hares.

    God bless.

  2. Oh I love hares but have only ever seen ONE in the flesh once! Even then it was just a brief glimpse.
    I can imgine that they make you very cross though, and I'm sure I would be in the circumstances too.
