Friday, 27 March 2020

Today's joy

Bright sunshine, hand weeded autumn planted garlic and onions looking neat and healthy, husband volunteered to plant the leeks!

He volunteered as he had the overalls. I stayed on the grass as my gardening jeans are now fashionably (and uncomfortably) ripped right across the knees.  It better be a hot summer soon so I can wear shorts or the best going out jeans are going to get muddy!!


  1. I'm pulling out older clothes to wear whilst we are not going out, best to see them than wear out all my nice stuff. Garden looks good, how was hubbys knees later.

    1. Groaned a lot and fell asleep before Emerdale finished.

  2. I've resorted to gym gear and tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts. Just in case I spontaneously decided to do some exercise, but it's not really working thus far. I do wear make up every day though, as it makes me feel better.

  3. I have decided to "tidy myself up" once in a while to make me remember what it feels like!

  4. I was terrible for living in track bottoms, leggings etc. But now I try to put on proper clothes every day.

    1. Its a good boost not to feel "scruffy". I wanted to grow my hair this year but now I can't have it cut it is driving me nuts!

  5. Haven't "dressed up" in weeks. I only do so when necessary, but I do put on my eyebrows every day as I look completely washed out without them!
