Tuesday 18 February 2020

Milk jug/ turning into our mothers?

The one job I insist my husband does everyday is make me a pot of nice coffee in the peculator at 11am. We then sit together and share our interest in the news or something on YouTube (or sit in the garden). For ages he has been saying he find the plastic big jugs of milk a bit difficult with his arthritis and I argue back we use so much milk in custards etc that we need the big supply.

Last week I conceded we needed a milk jug "like our mothers used to have". So I went to the charity shop and found one for £1.50. Filled at early morning tea making it lasts all day for cups of coffee and tea and saves getting the big supply out.

It reminded me that my mother and aunts would gather round a kitchen table with a pot of tea and milk in the jug of course, for that daily catch up!!  Husband's mother was dead posh. Her tea set matched.

Gosh, turning into our mothers for sure.


  1. That is a very cute milk jug. I use very little milk so have cut back to a 1L carton - much easier to handle.

  2. The less often a big bottle is opened the better it keeps.
    I use a milk jug and buy whole milk and mix with water in the jug making the equivalent of semi-skimmed.
    I'd never be able to lift a 6 pint bottle even without arthritis!

  3. We all turn into our mothers at some point. I watch my youngest daughter, and since she became a mother, I see her turning into me. I often say I sound just like my mum, our mum's were wonderful and we should celebrate.

  4. we have milk and carton problems other half cant tell how much pressure hes putting on things so he frequently ends up dripping , then theres the dropping stuff all the time , he has now decreed that only cartons with a screw top must be used because he can actually open them , it would be so much easier if he would just have a jug...but

  5. I love the idea of turning into our mothers. I find it quaintly reassuring. Having a milk jug just seems a very practical solution.

  6. What a pretty blue milk jug and a good solution to the heavy gallon container. Living alone I only need the one quart size milk carton, but you found a classy solution. Turning into our mothers, could be a good thing.

  7. I think our mothers, and elders for that matter, have lots to teach us.
