Sunday 1 March 2020

Draining "board"

When my husband re fitted the kitchen with his bespoke hand made units and thick wooden top round a ceramic sink we could not work out what to do about a draining board.  We have a dish washer but there is always some odd thing to put down wet.  For ages we managed with a plastic box lid but it got scuffed and dirty.

The other day one of those catalogues of household "stuff" and "things" came with the seed order and I saw the answer!
A plastic draining "board" with a lip to run water into the ceramic sink. A tray to hold things up and a cutlery box. It works quite well.  If I had an option I would want it 1" smaller all round as it would fit better in the space.

So those catalogues are not a waste of paper and time after all!


  1. What an interesting set up. I love it.

    God bless.

  2. In our tiny kitchen we decided not to have a draining board, for much the same reasons as you. We too found a plastic one, which is tucked away most of the time, I love the look to our kitchen, draining boards aren't pretty.
