Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Have you been taking advantage of this good spring weather?

Back in the day of high management wages and access to lots of shops if the pillows got a bit worn I would just have gone and got some new ones.  Not these days. After changing round beds to accommodate visitors recently I noticed the pillows were grubby.  I checked the labels and though the instructions varied despite the fillings being the same materials they were all washable,

I found two would fit in the washing machine at a time and with the warm windy weather would dry in a day.  I have done 8 so far. There is one more in the cupboard.  Mostly they came out fine; one was bit lumpy but it will probably even out.

Are we all hoarders when it comes to bedding? Despite downsizing 4 years ago from a 4 double bed house (with spare single bed as well) and giving away 50% of the linen cupboard  there are still a couple of extra blankets, sheets and a spare duvet in the cupboard along with a stack of towels. I could do with the cupboard space but I cant't quite get myself  to cut down further!


  1. Bedding like clothes has a life pattern. Bedding, table cloths or under cloths, dust sheets, then rags. I have given linen away and sold some too.

  2. Handy to have loads of spare bedding, you never know when it will come in handy. I use my old pillows for stuffing cushions, nothing goes to waste.

  3. We had a lot of polyester/cotton fitted sheets at one time - they were not great as rags as they were "slippery". Last year I was given some high quality cotton sheets - luxury. My husband objects to too many cushions so not able to use up too many pillows I did wonder about using the stuffing for toys but met someone who said it needed to special stuff for that?

  4. I have no luck in washing pillows and they being usable afterwards. I threw a lot of bedding out last year when we moved.

  5. I'm like Gill - no luck in washing pillows but having read your post I'm wondering if the problem was that I washed them one at a time and the stuffing had space to shirt. I hate poly cotton - pure cotton is lovely and I iron it too - I know, I should get a life!

  6. I hesitated on the washing as I tried years ago and it was not a success. Perhaps the filling has improved and they were labelled washable. The two pillows per wash, on the lightest setting I could find on the menu, seemed to work. Yep, I iron the best sheets too - love the feel of fresh, smooth sheets...

  7. The RSPCA Wildlife Centre in East Winch are always on the lookout for towels ready for their annual influx of baby seals and other animals.
