Friday 17 April 2020

Click and collect 4 weeks of supermarket shopping

So this week we did our first ever Click and Collect supermarket shop. For 6 years we have had online supermarket drop every 2/3 weeks but since 4 March we have failed to get a delivery booking. We ate our way through the cupboard stores, the freezer and what was on offer locally and saved up all those things we get from supermarkets for the one big effort.

Before we had even left the village we passed an online delivery van from our supermarket (Grrr..) and in the next village we met another one from the alternative (Grrr..). We carried on the 7.5 miles to the start of the arranged hour slightly apprehensive after watching far too many news broadcasts. There was no one there. Literally no one on that side of the supermarket's large car park. Few cars round the other side but no long snaking queue to the entrance. It was 10 am but it was a bitter cold east Anglian wind that morning and hanging about would have been wickedly chilly.

Rang the intercom, followed the instructions to wait in car and a young man wheeled out a mountain of boxes filled with carrier bags. I loaded wearing plastic gloves and we drove away and did the 7.5 miles back with very little traffic.

At home I had set up a table outside the back entrance. So emptied bags on to that, wiped with antiseptic wipes or soapy water depending on packaging and ferried it into the house to sit and dry on a plastic tablecloth which was wiped again at end.

A lot went on to the "store" section for future weeks.

All the fruit and veg was tipped out of the packaging and washed.

So after what felt like a long session, or at least stocking a boat for a transatlantic crossing, I was left with sore hands and one problem.  The 31 plastic carriers that I never usually have.  Felt guilty for throwing away. Felt guilty about keeping. On discussion the next day we decided if they spent 72 hours on the washing line it should be safe enough but we would keep in shed for outside uses.

Not had this much white squares on the washing line since the terry nappy days of the 1970s! (when we often decorate the shrouds of our sail boat with nappies too much to the disgust the Hamble yaughty types)

Too fussy about the shopping?

I am not going to do a supermarket shop again for 4 to 5 weeks thank goodness as it was all a bit much really. Hopefully delivery spots start to open up for regular customers over 70 by then.


  1. Well done for being so thorough in washing everything. I wouldn't like the carrier bags either, but needs must at the moment I guess. Enjoy eating your way through your order over the next few weeks and good luck getting a delivery slot next time.

    1. I should be grateful I got 90% of the food I wanted including rice! Only missing thing was husband's razor blades.

  2. It's no fun getting your shopping, it takes a long time to clean every item.

  3. I was due to pick up my first ever click and collect order yesterday, i got a message the night before saying that they could not collect my payment so i resubmitted the details and the payment was authorised by my bank.
    A couple of hours before i was due to collect my order, i got a message saying that my order had been cancelled as they could not collect the payment. I was livid, if they had phoned me, i could have given another card, i can only assume there was a glitch in their system.

    1. Now that would have driven me insane!!! Hard luck!

  4. We don't have "click and collect" here so I went to the store today. The security guard wouldn't let me take my reusable bags in so had to leave them at the door. Once finished and checked out, I declined to take their (free) bags and reloaded my buggy. Once outside I retrieved my reusable bags and packed the groceries in them. What a fuss! But at least I don't have a load of plastic to contend with.

    1. I had the home made bags to hand too and at least I knew where they had been.

  5. It's not a nice experience. I've never been a shopper and this has really finished me.

    1. Me neither. Supermarkets and browsing high streets are my idea of purgatory. I can do bookshops, fabrics and garden centres though.

  6. Went shopping yesterday - first time in 2 weeks. Used my bundle buggy as I don't drive - two subway stops to the shop - waited about 2 minutes to get in - only one person ahead of me during senior hour. My supermarket is very organized - arrows on floor - markers for where to stand - only 2 cashes open and far apart. They had almost everything that I wanted so my buggy was FULL. Stopped at the pharmacy down the road to pick up a few more things and then headed home.
    First - dispose of rubber gloves outside of pharmacy - put on my clean well gloves as it is nearly a half hour walk home and it was below freezing. Enjoyed the walk though as it was sunny and very quiet - the few people I passed all moved over and we kept our distance.
    Once in my apt. I first empty the buggy - take it downstairs to my basement storage locker - back upstairs to put shoes into a bin by the door, take gloves off and put aside to wash, hang up coat to air - wash hands.
    I'd set up a dirty bin - an intermediate and a clean bin and started the wash & disinfect process. Frozen first, then dairy, then meat, then packaged items and finally, fruit & veg which went straight into the kitchen sink. Took HOURS to get through it all what with all the hand washing.
    Once that was finished it was dispose of plastic bags - put away reusables as they won't be used again for a few weeks. Wipe down everything in sight with Lysol wipes, including shoes, keys, handle of cane and door handles and then bleach containers before putting them away. Wash hands again!
    I'm not going anywhere near a shop for at least 3 weeks - longer if I can manage!

    1. I am going to count myself very lucky to have the car and not have to do stairs. That sounds like a terrible trail of your strength. Best wishes.

  7. I love your shopping bags hanging on the line, brilliant idea actually. You have a good plan for sanitizing your grocery purchases, I have a similar system. I have ordered food from instacart three times, where they shop for me and bring it to my house, and that has worked fine. It is contactless, they leave the food on the front porch when I am home.

    1. I am longing to get back to deliveries to the door! I might even pay more to have it now. Previously (before the world ended) I stuck to paying £1 a delivery now I would happily shell out a £5!

  8. I do the bags on the line too. I wipe over shopping and bags with Milton. What a faff it all is. I am trying to shield the parents I can’t cut corners. The carrier bags seem such a waste so I will have to think what to do with them.

    1. I hope I find a garden or DIY waste use for them eventually. To think I once ran a class teaching women from a deprived community how to knit with strips of plastic bags to make bags for wet swimming things or make door mats. Would not dream of closely handling them at present!
