Saturday, 3 October 2015

A couple of days out sailing

We have taken ourselves off this week to the south of Norfolk to mess about in boats.  We are re learning sailing after a gap of two decades having promised ourselves we would revive this hobby in our retirement.
Its not an elegant Broads traditional boat but a good working sturdy Drascombe.  We did some more motoring checking out some of the Broads and then sailed on Hickling Broad with just the jib and mizzen (front and back sails).  We are working up to the full main sail! 
We kept out of the way of the other people under full sail, kept out of the reeds and didn't fall in - so it was all good!

Amazing number of old windmills, some with sails, and loads of cormorants to watch fishing. Loads of fishermen too but they seemed a bit grumpy and annoyed with small boats wandering by. We saw a crested grebe diving for fish too (my photo is not good enough to share).

Stayed in a local hotel (clean enough but some what sterile) and had a lovely Thai meal as it is our 44th wedding anniversary this week. Apart from the few days away I think our present for this auspicious event is a new shed!!


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both. Well done on 44 years, I'll be 37 years on the 7th October. Beautiful scenery a nice break from your hard graft.
