Saturday, 3 October 2015

Menu planning

As the veg harvest and the weather are changing I thought I would do some menu planning before going to the butchers for the meat for the next 10 days. Here are my half dozen dishes I plan to cook over the next fortnight doing enough for 2 days from each cook, which I shall freeze till needed.  I may use my slow cooker for some or my lovely iron casserole dish which produces a very smooth cook. Everything needed to cook from scratch is in the store cupboard or can be supplied from the garden.

  • Lamb and potato curry (450gms of diced lamb).
  • Madras Lamb (450gms of diced lamb)
  • Chicken Marengo (400gms of diced chicken)
  • Bengali Chicken (450gms of diced chicken)
  • Hong Kong style pork in tomato sauce (300gms of diced pork)
  • Paprika pork (450 gms of diced port)

I have a fridge full of buckets and buckets of tomatoes and loads of chili and red peppers to pick so I am going to do sweet chili jam and tomato chutney next week.

This should keep me busy during the two or three days of rainy weather predicted for next week.

One of the vegetables coming on are summer cabbages. This one (which is a rather elegant shape and shade of green) was three times as big when I picked it but as it had grown enormous outside the protective netted area where the rest of the brassicas are I had to cut off a lot of pecked leaves!  Still more than enough to last the week, a slice a day fills our plates.

1 comment:

  1. I hope to have cabbages and sprouts next year but I definitely will need netting.
