Thursday, 11 August 2016


I went to look for some beetroot today ready to cook a few more for ready for lunch time salads. I had only grown a short row as last year we had far too many. But the hares had got there first!  Four had been well and truly eaten. Honestly these animals are rare, lovely to look at but are a complete pain.

Look at those big teeth marks. 

Neighbour suggested it was because the beetroot were sweet and juicy and the hares were short of water as the dykes and ditches were dry.  Husband muttered he would give 'em a good bath if he caught them.

Rest of beetroot are boiled and in the fridge. Hopefully the hares can't open doors......


  1. how unusual, thats one ive never seen before and we live in the bog end of nowhere , with hares and rabbits aplenty , the main reason i never grow lettuce

  2. We used to get mice damage to beetroot some years but that was minor compared to hares. perhaps a drinking trough with a sign pointing them away from the beetroot!!

    1. There's an upturned dustbin lid in front garden for the birds - perhaps I should move it!

  3. Little so and so's. My neighbour has lost a lot of his beetroot to the birds. They've been eating all the leaves for moisture.

  4. Little monkeys - oh sorry - hares!

  5. I never know rabbits would eat beets!! Good to know.

    God bless.
