Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Garden progress

Last two weeks have been incredibly sunny here with good temperatures between 19 and 25C and just two rain showers early in the mornings or overnight.  Potatoes are up and showing good leaves, direct sown veg seeds are starting to emerge and our runner beans are in.  Made a 30% reduction in the amount planted this year as we are trying not to have a glut.  I did not like the ones I put in the freezer last year so we are going for eat, sell at the gate or give away strategy.

Taken 3 years but the lilac is finally making some growth and has lovely blooms. Next to bluebells and wall flowers the scent of lilacs is one of my spring favourites. 

Those 3 things remind me of my youth in an unspoilt fairly rural (then) part of Hampshire. When we go back I am shocked that my "village" and the country side is nothing but housing estates, M27 and business parks. It has all gone.


  1. Lilacs bloom a bit later here, but like you I have always loved the scent of lilacs on the air.

    God bless.

  2. So much of our countryside has been lost to the concrete jungle, my home village in Somerset is going the same way. Your garden looks great, how hard must you work to keep the weeds out.

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