Tuesday, 22 May 2018

What next Gobe?

Honestly how does this politician continue to survive??  Did you hear about his clean air strategy this morning?   Coming round to monitor the wood in my wood burner is good dry burnable logs? Why did he think I would stuff damp, inefficient stuff in my expensive log burner that will just damage the flue and leave a deposit that takes ages to get off the glass door and issue annoying smelly smoke over the neighbours? Does he  think I am an idiot??

He should be coming round to thank me for persuading the old bloke next door not to burn half a dozen old plastic flower tubs on his garden bonfire which would produce toxic fumes.  He was convinced the council bin men would fine him for putting non-recyclable plastic in his black bin.  Neighbour is the kind of person these hard handed politician and these strategies to beat us all over the head end up with the wrong message!


  1. Perfect point, I heard it on the radio.

  2. Also heard it, then heard man from Defra saying that they wouldn't actually be banning anything as there was no way to monitor what people burn anyway. So I don't think we need worry too much........Yet

  3. Hear hear! Why would we want to damage our wood burners and pollute our fellow men. I think all the dishonest diesel car manufacturers are a bigger problem so the government should be looking into that. I’m feeling really guilty about my diesel motorhome:(

    1. We have an older diesel car that we keep in good repair and passes all the checks yet we are made to feel we are the guilty polluters!

  4. I was reading about it on here somewhere. Its crazy that its always the little people who they look to punish. What about going after the huge corporate organisations that lie and cheat and don't pay taxes.

    1. So agree! I try to vote with my feet but its hard to tell if you are not supporting them by refusing to buying into their products/services because its hard to tell who owns what!
