Thursday, 26 July 2018


I simply don't believe it!!

Bone dry, fire brigade on their knees, cereal crop filled fields surround the village and yet a certain percentage of villages keep having bonfires!!

When?  At night.  No one can see who it is (presumably).  But believe me we can all smell it!!!

We have had a pile since February.  Wind has been in east for so long it would blow into houses, now it is dry and wind from south, the bonfire can stay there till it rains in October probably.

Found our community Facebook page and I am definitely not alone on deriding the idiots!


  1. Every summer we live with campfire bans .. warnings to keep a bag packed .. wildfires in the area. So far in our immediate area, two fires were quickly put out but the smell of smoke lingers in our valley. No patience for idiots who put all at risk with poorly thought out fires or dropped cigarette butts.

  2. Now a third fire .. this one less than 3 km from my home .. gathering items of value although the wind is blowing the opposite direction .. 3 helicopters .. 2 water bombers overhead .. not loving this .. sirens as fire fighters speed past my home.

    1. Hope you are safe now. Bless.

    2. All is well .. the fire is held .. smoke in the air .. ash floating down on us .. but so far so good. Just another month or so before things calm down for this fire season.

  3. Wow, they sure are idiots. I hope they are caught.

    God bless.
