Thank you for the encouraging comments on my last blog.
Last blackberry and apple puddings this week. Our thornless blackberry grown on wires is so much easier than going to any hedgerows and gives large berries and super juicy fruit.
Using windfall apples as they occur. Think husband might be ready for just apple puddings soon as the bramleys are ready as he feels we have had too many red pubs lately. It has been alternating between blackberries and autumn raspberries for the last 3 weeks - sometimes it is just nice to see a plain milky rice pud!
Do you think it is possible to over do a glut and give yourself a food intolerance? Last week we both had feelings of bloat, bit of diarrhea, acidity, heartburn. I looked on line and those are the symptoms of tomato intolerance? We have been hoovering up the tomatoes = lots of fresh tomato soup, sauces with meat for main meals, incorporating them into lunches. We eased off for a few days and things got better. But we also thought about some supermarket eggs we had for lunch as we both felt a bit funny fairly quickly and they had a funny taste. Marked as British, within date and only purchased last week.
I have also overdone the tomatoes. Much as I love them they don’t seem to be sitting well with me this week.