Saturday, 21 March 2020

Another new game to play in lockdown

Besides our winners and losers game we are now counting the useless TV adverts.

1. Cruises
2. Tui holidays
3. Party food
  And so on...

This is going to be a short lived game though. Notice last night that some of the most naff adverts on channel 5 have already stopped.  Perhaps companies realised they were wasting their money for next 6 months.

Adverts I think should be banned - gambling sites. Last thing we need is more on line gambling addiction.

Adverts I think will grow? Cooking books? Useful hobbies?

I am going over to BBC 2 The Sewing Bee is coming back soon!


  1. I'm really looking forward to the sewing Bee.

  2. Same here - ads showing people partying, drinking in bars etc. All banned for the foreseeable future.

    1. Just seen one for theme park annual pass for families. I am starting to feel insulted? probably not the right word. How about just shouting at the tv"get with the programme guys?"

  3. It would be great if they'd just do away with all advertising on TV if you ask me. It's annoying.

  4. We watched the very strange Ant & Dec's TV last night, and were making comments on the ad's, who is even thinking of booking a cruse!!!

  5. Ohh, love the Great British Sewing Bee.

    God bless.

    1. Just finished watching the 2020 Pottery Throwdown which was on some strange sub channel here. Strange how watching people competing in crafts is so fascinating.
