Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Consequences of slow down in the world?

I wonder what the consequences of change in behaviour will be after Coro is over?

1. Pollution. So Climate Extremists are a bit quiet this week? They wanted people to stop flying here and there and now they got their wish!!! I am sure they did not mean for it to happen this way. But I would like to see some figures about drops in pollution level. Last week there was an article and map in weekend papers showing Carbon Dioxide emissions over China from space before and after the shut down.  Yesterday I saw a similar thing for northern Italy. It was remarkable.

2. Appreciation for our homes and "I could mend that attitude" rather than "I will go and shop for a new one"?

3. Grow your own food more?  If you are home for up to 12 weeks they are a lot of crops to be had in a little space.

4. End of globalisation/commerce thinking - "hang on I don't need to transport it half way round the world I can get that man down the road to make that" ....

5. Schooling - is home schooling or on line better than dragging people together 5 days a week and causing all that daily traffic chaos - how about 50/50 with more diverse group activities during a school session?

6. Adults learning new skills from on line resources and by asking their elders on line! Two of our sons are discussing sour dough bread making on Whats App with me. Taught bread making when younger but city slickers now forced to re learn.

There are lots of other bonus changes I can rattle on about - I am sure you are having same debates. Any changes you would like to see long term?

Image of Daffodils A Beautiful Bunch Of Sunshine | Flower Delivery By Eflorist
We are starting a mental list called "losers and winners" too.
 It started this morning when the daily lorry went buy to pick up its supermarket ready packed daffodils from the factory farm up the road. I was unsure if only one went by or the usual 2 or even 3 a day especially  coming up to Mothers Day.
"Would people be buying daffs when they are panic buying everything considered essential" I wondered. "Would it be another trade to hit the skids? Especially if this weekend they can't take flowers to their Mums. Would florists delivering be cancelled?"

My husband thought flowers and florists will be in the winners column. Eventually. Funerals. Cheerful 73 year old strikes again.


  1. I think people will always want flowers, even more so now to cheer us up. Your husband's comment made me smile! He is so right!
    Re becoming more self sufficient and making do: I think so many people will suffer financially from the virus restrictions that they will have to think before they spend for some time to come.

    1. I am going with being optimistic - only because I found a bar of chocolate down the back of the cupboard today!

  2. My father died in 2010 and his funeral was 2 days before Valentines day. The florist admitted prices were far more expensive around that time than normally. Many a true word spoken in jest. Lets hope lessons are learned from all of this. This situation will either bring out the best in people or the worst.

    1. Going for positive - seen a lot of help offered. Just going to hope the scum and scammers don't spoil it.

  3. We have all entered a new world and it is going to take some time to get used to it.

    Love the winners and losers idea.

    God bless.
