Friday 10 April 2020

Easter for distant grandchildren

No hope of seeing the little ones this holiday so am preparing a package for one lot.
A little doll, a bushy with a fluffy tail and some unicorn chocolate coins.

As the other one is allergic to any kind of milk product (can't go shopping for alternative chocs) I am writing him a story in a small square note book - it features a lost bear with no home, a Grandma and of course LOCKDOWN.

Kept it all small as the Post Office have enough to deal with. Yesterday our letter from Boris arrived at last with the kind advice to take care. We tried to forgo the worst remarks/jokes of "heal thyself", "listen to good advice" and using rubber gloves opened it, read it and binned it.


  1. It's going to be a strange Easter, missing our little ones on their Easter egg hunt, but we are safe and so are they.

  2. This Easter will be one for the record books, for sure. I will see my grandkids on Sunday at a distance as we exchange goodie packages, so must go shopping tomorrow wearing my homemade mask.

    1. Just made quite a good one using a US pattern and will have it with me at all times now.
