Sunday, 29 November 2020

Finally irritated by Co - vid

 Every year the NHS prescription service begs us to get our repeat medicines early for Xmas/New Year. Not this year apparently. I did the on line order and realised it was the 26th of the month so would need more and made a two month request. When I went to collect the pharmacy inside the Health centre absolutely refused to give an extra month's!

I  was told I MUST reorder 7 days before run out ie 19/20th and collect probably 24th!!! Because this year they will not close over Xmas.   As if I want to spend Christmas Eve or Boxing Day coming round here I thought. Not that there will be anything more interesting on TV!!

As I stood there with my mouth open (inside the mask of course) I had some logical and illogical thoughts.

1. We are old, so they expect us to drop dead in the pandemic in the next month because local figures are high? But the high figures are in the next county to the north about 10 miles have been that way since September, and we have not been there since March. Or they are high to the south in town 6 miles away and we have not been in town for 5 or 6 weeks and only twice since February? Not likely to get infected by the open North Sea to the east or the open fen land to the west. We are in lockdown and are remotely rural  "obedient people".

2. They will be open all over Christmas  I am told. Really? Never usually open for weeks in Dec/Jan!!!  Is that the plan to give us the vaccine?  But its not even been declared safe yet! Do you lot really think that is going to happen in any meaningful way in the next 25 days?

3. If they are up to their ears in vaccinating over Xmas surely they don't want to spend time and evoke dangers of queues giving out regular prescriptions as well? If I was their manager (and I have been a manager in times of crises) I would be saying clear the decks of all other work and concentrate on the targets!

By the time I got out to my bike, de fogged my specs and prepared to cycle home I realised I had been manipulated by "the system".  By not giving me the prescriptions I was tied to home for the run up to Xmas and not able to go and stay away. We have already given up hope of seeing any family over Christmas and that was depressing already but it was our choice and this felt very much not my choice.

I know, none of it is logical really and totally minor, but it was the first time all year I felt my normal routines, and my acceptance of the rules,  were sorely tried.  😕


  1. Stupidly stupid, I understand how you feel.

  2. On the online prescription thing theres a space for comments and I shall put a note saying "ordering early to avoid Christmas" and put my request in about 10 days before its due and that should work - Well it has before but this year who knows!

    Just cannot imagine doctors and pharmacists working through Christmas

  3. Our prescriptions are by email and I just write going on holiday when next due etc and its doubled up. And we can order 14 days after the last one. I was I'll one Christmas and had to trek miles after leaving the hospital to get my prescription filled!

  4. I work in a pharmacy and at the moment we are struggling to keep up with normal prescriptions never mind if everyone had a double prescription. Pharmacies have nhs contracts which require them to open as normal over Christmas except for the bank holidays so I am unsure how your pharmacy manages to shut for 'weeks'? Everyone has worked really hard just to ensure prescription supply can carry on as normal and safely whilst being short staffed when people are having to self isolate or shield, I am sure they will not be doing this just to inconvenience you. Hopefully it will not take up too much of your time having to collect your medication in December, but do please spare a thought for the pharmacy staff who have had a very stressful year!
