Saturday, 14 November 2020

Lockdown low point

 Thinks I have reached the bottom. I have been in this house too long. This week I find myself wandering around with a scalpel, metal polish, PVC reviver, cloths, and other bits of kit. I am looking for those blobs and smears of paint on the casings on door furniture, plugs and light switches. 

I know. Its pathetic to get pleasure from taking a minuscule bit of old paint off and rebuffing. On my way round I have noticed we are missing at least 4 radiator caps too!!!  (And I am hatching a plan to clean all the radiators and repaint them.)

Less than a £10 for these new caps...... mmmmm .... I may shop on line. But that may be a bit of dangerous living and I may get carried away..... I did last week and spent £80 on underwear and pyjamas* for us both!

I blame daytime TV for my obsession with the paint blobs. I was watching a house renovation show and that Simon O'Brian said the sale was in the close details.  Daytime TV, another dangerous living thing.

I shall go off and live dangerously vicariously through books in front of the fire for the rest of today. Found a different way to search the County library catalogue and found my way through the filters to a different set of books! Plus husband found a way to download from Amazon free access to Kindle on both our tablet things - so we now have access to more free reading! 

* Blame my youngest for this obsession. He started to worry about us going into hospital at short notice and sent us a spare mobile and wanted us to write down our prescription needs and generally be prepared. Result of which was I realised we didn't need phones or anything fancy, what we would need is pyjamas as all our nightwear is not fit to be seen. We do have a bit of emergency kit but it has sadly been neglected of late and I must replace some spare toothbrushes and stuff. 


  1. Your not alone, I have no decent night wear, preferring to sleep in vest and pants, hum, might need to shop. This lockdown is much worse than the 1st, no garden this time.

  2. It was all very new the first time around. The weather was glorious and the stuff upper lip prevailed. Now is just boring and frustrating. My daughter moved house Thursday and I can't help. I'm pleased you've got to grips with the library system. I find the Essex one slow but it's been invaluable to me throughout this awful time.

  3. Same here re: respectable underwear and nighties! I have just finished a good book, "The Second Sleep" by Robert Harris. Now I am reading "A Fatal Inheritance" by Rachel Rhys. Probably can get both from your local library, mine came quite fast.

  4. I just recently improved on the underwear portion of my wardrobe, but dang I forgot pajamas. Must look and see what we need and pull out fabric.

    God bless.

  5. Underwear is in good shape but just bought two new pair of pyjamas!

    Reading my way through the "Max Tudor" series of mysteries by G.M. Mallet and really enjoying them and all available at my library.
