Saturday 24 October 2015

Chilli Harvest

Its getting colder everyday and last night it was only 5C in our poly tunnel. Probably due to the fact we only have net on the sides as the actual polythene side panels have not been fitted yet. We are dreading and putting off that task.

So I decide to harvest 90% of the remaining chilli crop from the two bushes as it was red and ready!

I took advice from the internet and washed them in salty water and have left to dry out in the conservatory. Tomorrow I am going to string most of them into bunches, which may make nice gifts at Xmas. I may dry some on a tray but you need to leave do that at 25C and no where in our house is heated to that degree! I may dice some and put in an ice cube tray ready to pop into dishes.

I have enough chilli jam already so I don't think I need to do any more preserves.

There are quite a few peppers to come and some tomatoes still to ripen, we will have to see how they get on as the temperature lowers and if we get enough sunny afternoons to ripen them up.

Meanwhile as greens are a bit short in the garden I have been dipping into the store of runners and peas from the freezer.  I don't mind making some freezer space as it has been crammed in there for months.  We have some cabbage nearly ready and plenty of leeks plus spinach in the poly tunnel. The swede in the veg garden is looking very doubtful.  I dug 4 up before I found anything sound enough to eat.  Not a great success. I won't bother with a picture as they could well frighten you!

1 comment:

  1. Great chillies. I started mine extra early last year so that had time to dry a crop out in the heat of the conservatory. They were stored in a jar for cooking. Love the idea of giving them as bunches.
