Friday 30 October 2015

Financial effect of growing your own

As visitors to my blog will know the last 3 months have been especially good for crops from the garden, greenhouse and polytunnel once we got going in all areas. Besides feeding us and visitors we have given stuff to neighbours and any one not quick enough to run away - like the man collecting an e bay buy one day who got an out board engine and a bag of runner beans!

Today I had a look at our grocery spend over the last 3 months.

Aug 2014 £289.39         Aug 2015 £212.14 (including feeding family visitors for 10 days)
Sept 2014 £328.28        Sept 2015 £179.36
Oct 2014 £290.71          Oct 2015 £192.09

A significant saving pattern!


  1. Great savings and the food would have tasted nicer.

    1. Last visitors particularly commented on the taste! We were very pleased.

  2. That's an amazing saving. I'm new to reading (popped over from Sue's blog as I liked your comment) and am hoping to read some of your earlier posts this evening. X

  3. Blimey what a difference. Because we've been growing our own for 20+ years I have no idea how much we would spend without our own stuff. This is very worrying for when we move and might be without a garden for a while. Gulp!

    1. We were discussing this today as we dug our last potatoes. A 25kg bag is £5.50 locally and supermarket is £1.50 plus for 2.5kg. I think you can find bargains but you need space to store!

  4. Trish you and hubby have done so well. Sheer hard work and determination Not only is your garden providing healthy food its giving you regular exercise and saving you money. What more could you ask for. ;O)

    1. Thanks - wish I could say we had lost weight too! What I need now is a new garden fork??? Husband snapped it trying to dig out a dock root!
