Tuesday 22 December 2015

No Xmas pud!

Sainsbury's has just brought the basic food for the next week. No Xmas pud available! Should I rush round in circles in the morning and find one?  Probably not, as I don't like them that much and who will really want it anyway after all that turkey?  Bah humbug!  Plenty of lovely kale and sprouts to eat in the veg plot and l just dug up and cooked some beetroot.

At least the Christmas tree is looking nice. Despite the 3 hours spent untangling the wires on the lights at least three times.

We have had lots of windy squalls this week. Here is a photo of the edge of one storm cloud just clearing, it was a  very strange colour.

The neighbours fence to the right started to come down at mid day today and we rushed out to help him.take the last panel away before the whole lot came loose. His wife, who has cancer, has worsened this week and we really felt our little bit of aid was the least we could do. In fact the whole village is saddened by the fatal accident on the road into the village from the A17 yesterday - such a waste of a young life. It is a junction we approach with great caution and I am sure we annoy lots of drivers as we wait for a very, very long gap int he speeding traffic before attempting to pull out ourselves.

Going to sit down in a moment and plan out some meals for the next few days and not panic. The shops are open again and we can stuff ourselves on the bargains!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone! 

Grandchildren on their way so I will probably not blog for some time as I intend to play with all their toys and spoil them rotten, before sending them home for their parents to deal with (revenge for the three sons running me ragged for so many years!).


  1. I spent an hour replacing the bulbs in one of my many strings of lights. A powercut blew several in the string so I had to keep swapping little bulbs until I got them all changed. So much for the 'white tipped fuse light'.

    1. Hurrah one string blew - less to pack away!

  2. Have a wonderful Christmas Trish you deserve it. Happy new year to you and yours.
