Friday 1 March 2019

Early crops

Not much happening in the veg beds yet, still harvesting carrots and leeks from last year, but the broadbeans are coming on and the garlic is getting going in this strip.

My husband has lightly rotovated over the empty beds. We are going no dig after this. Just a trench for potatoes and a light rake for carrots etc. Where we can we are going to cover the ground between crops with black membrane. No weeding for me this summer.

Meanwhile round the corner the bulb growers are having a lovely harvest of blooms. They dig these up later, freeze them, and then regrow indoors and make cut flowers. That is the modern method apparently! Still we get to enjoy the fields of gold and the lovely smell.


  1. I only have flower beds, but I have been no dig for a couple of years, life is much easier and I have not seen any issues with this methord.

  2. How lucky you are to be able to see this mass of flowers.

    1. fields of gold! Except about 15 miles up the road where they do strips of different varieties and you get white through to yellow!

  3. Oh, to be in the garden once again. Keeping my fingers crossed that spring arrives very soon.

    What you call rotovating, we in Canada call rototilling.

    God bless.

    1. That may explain why Microsoft cant recognize the word!
