Thursday 24 October 2019

Climate ex

Exchange, eliminate, revolution, whatever it is currently.   I personally I have been irritated by the disruptive behaviour on climate awareness. Not that I disagree with them, just how they are going about it.

Found it hilarious the other day on TV News from London when a commuter opened his briefcase and threw his sandwich box at the protesters on the top of the tube. But mostly I thought what a waste of food!

We are crossing central London in the next few days I have had to solemnly swear to my husband that I will not engage in any knee capping of Climate protesters.  I did point out that the two weeks they have spent on the streets disrupting traffic and people's working lives that we have probably done more good than them. We have:

  • planted another tree (our 30th in 5 years)
  • ordered another 20 feet of native hedgerow plants to extend our 60 feet of established hedging 
  • sown winter vegetables to avoid any food miles for fresh food
  • filled another wheelie bin with recycling waste (our council take nearly everything and provide a full size wheelie bin for it). This time I topped it up with old paper correspondence and out of date leaflets.
  • used scrap wood for our fire in the evenings rather than turn on the oil fired heating. And put the nails from the pallet wood in a bucket for metal recycling later.

I wonder what each of the Climate protesters has done to make a positive lessening of their personal footprints?  If they had all gone and planted a tree as well as just making a noise UK would be considerably nearer its tree planting/re foresting target!!

Now dear, what about any Remainder protesters? Am I allow to......


  1. Well said. I think a lot of them are just out to create chaos.

  2. I sometimes wonder as well. Though here in Canada most of the climate protesters are school children right now.

    We all have to do our part if we want anything at all to change.

    God bless.
