Sunday, 24 November 2019

Loosing weight

In June my husband decided he was too heavy and it made his arthritic ankles worse. So overnight we decided to:
Not eat toast at breakfast time. Cereal only and check the portion size.
Not eat 2 (or is that a sneaky 3?) biscuits with coffee at 11am
Not eat a little something on toast at lunch time  - scrambled eggs for example
Not eat a slice of home made cake with afternoon tea at 4pm
Not have seconds at dinner time even if they were there. The extra would do for lunch the next day.
Cut meat down one more notch - 180gms between us rather than 200gms planned recently.
Cut out pasta. At least down to once a week.
No supper snacks like crisps and dips, a cake, a cheese and cracker plate.

There were days when I thought my tummy was eating me from inside but mostly it was OK.
We cook from scratch nearly 95% of the time, eat loads of fruit and veg we grow,  don't eat out much (once a month if that), don't eat sweets except at Xmas and don't eat much processed food anyway.

I went from 13 stone 10 lbs to 11 stones 10 lbs. (87kg to 74kg)
Husband from 15 stones + to 14 stones 2 lbs. (95 to 89 kg)

Image result for nhs weight chart

Or from the NHS orange zone down to nearly in the green!
Can't wait for my next check up and blood tests when the Nurse can, possibly, "stuff" her disapproval and early diabetic advice (I hope).
But we are now stuck. Last 2/3 weeks we are on same weights. And it is getting colder and I want dumplings in my stews, etc!  Any suggestions to get to the ideal NHS weight of 11 st 2 lbs for me and 13st 3lbs for husband  - its not a lot!

Also how can I persuade the children at Xmas to stop trying to feed us up!!! Rotters are determined to show us a good time!


  1. Brilliant results, once you highlight where to make the changes, and then make them the weight falls off.

    1. I don't think we realised we had gradually drifted into that biscuit habit.

  2. Losing weight is scientifically simple: eat less calories than the body uses and you lose weight. The reality is far more difficult. You've made an excellent start, now the only thing is possibly portion size. Go for less carbohydrate laden meals. Dumplings are ok, but not with potatoes. I have one or the other, I also have butternut squash, mashed carrots or sweet potatoes which are less starchy. Substitutes are the key, half your normal portion of rice mixed with cauliflower rice, or cabbage.

    1. I think you are right we have to limit those carbs. Bit difficult with 6 sacks in store! Not growing so many next year!

  3. Wonderful results!

    Plateaus of weight loss, are normal. Please don't fret this, too much. If you cut back, until you become very,very, very unhappy, it can cause you to "give up," and binge. And negate all your good-so-far results.

    As to children wanting to ply you with Holiday Goodies... Simply say to them; "Listen up, Kids. Do you want us to remain healthy? Or do you want us to become sick and a burden?

    Put that way, they ought to Get The Message!!!! Especially, when it is pointed out to them, that if you become sick, you will be a BURDEN to THEM!

    1. I have a sneaky feeling they would like us to move in to be permanent child entertainers.

    2. Eeeeeeeeeeek!!!!




  4. Wow you did well. No ideas here, I have been the same weight for the last 6 months even though I am trying to lose more. Doctor said at my check up that if I could lose 7 or 8 more kgs. I would be at the perfect weight. I am hoping that upping my daily treadmill time will have some effect.

    God bless.

    1. We did a 40 min walk yesterday and that dropped us both firmly down 1 lb where we had been hovering so I think it may be more of that needed over the winter when the gardening is not so heavy.

  5. Wow, you two have really lost the weight. I have been doing better about snacking till the last day or two. I need to make some firm decisions such as you have done.
