Saturday 25 July 2020


Well life is going on and so is the stress!
Covid son has had 25 straight days of throwing up in hospital and at home. Has not got the body mass to lose weight and there is always the Type 1 diabetic and keeping blood sugars right to worry about. Then there is the no visiting!!!  As a mother the instinct is to run towards - like they say about fireman and police - and not stay away.

The garden continues to drive us slowly nuts this year. The weather just does not settle down consistently and we have such mixed results.  Since April 4th we have been trying to sow parsnips. Two rows of seed tape and two rows of old seeds form last year put in at various points - usually between showers and then a hot spell. We can't get any to come up and just end up with a row of weed seedlings.

One success we have had was treating cabbages with a home made thyme tea to get rid of white fly.
They have recovered well!
Meanwhile back to researching more recipes for courgettes. They are giving us loads already!


  1. So sorry your son is having such a bad time with Covid. They say young people don't get it so severely but obviously that's a myth. Hope he's back on his feet soon and you can visit him. He must have got a very heavy dose of infection.

  2. I hope your son has a full recovery soon. Do you think it the cool nights are causing germination problems. Apart from beetroot and carrots I've lost all my sowings.

  3. Just caught up. Sorry to hear about your son. People often don’t associate vomiting and or diarrhoea with Covid. He must feel absolutely wretched. Fingers crossed for you all.

    1. It is a lower percentage but it makes me cross that people just shrug and ignore the dangers. It is nasty and it should not be taken lightly!

  4. I am so sorry that your son is having such a bad case. I can understand the stress you are under as a mom and wanting to be with him.

    God bless.

  5. I'm sorry to hear your son is affected so strongly. Hope he gets better finally.
    I had some two year old parsinp seeds, and I've been told they will not germinate. So I tried my to-go method of germinating difficult seeds: I put seeds between of layers of moist kitchen towel (not toilet paper, it gets mushy) and then put them inside a plastic container (margarine tub) or plastic bag.
    They germinated! So I planted them very very carefully into my garlic bed. They took ages to start growing properly, but now they are thriving.
