Sunday 2 August 2020

Son now recovered and finding a new sense of smell and taste. Small light meals until system settles down and hopes to regain the weight lost soon.

Meanwhile we are trying to find remote bits of Norfolk to walk and relax away from any busy hot spots. Staying away from beaches as they are rammed with visitors. Using back roads we found our way to Litcham village and Common Nature Reserve for a quiet walk along part of the Nar Valley Way.

Such lovely weather too!


  1. What lovely news that your son is recovering. You must be releaved. May he grow from strength to strength.

  2. Gorgeous walk! Glad son is recovering although I hear it takes quite some time to get back to normal.

  3. Pleased to hear the good news about your son. The pictures are great so peaceful looking.

  4. Good news about your son
    Don't blame you for avoiding crammed beaches

  5. That walk looks beautiful. So happy to hear that your son is recovering well. It must have been very scary for you all.
