Friday, 23 April 2021

Peppermint oil for pest control

 Been having a running battle last few dry weeks here with ants invading the house. Honestly I think the house must be completely undermined by the mini tunnelling activities. I then read about peppermint oil on cotton wool balls distracting mice from eating your pea seeds. Looking it up it also said it worked on insects too.  Here's just one article -

I could not get neat oil from my supermarket (not been out shopping anywhere YET) so got some extract/essence in the next delivery. Wacked a strong dose with some water in a sprayer and set about misting all round the outside, around our external oil boiler (which they love to nest in),  inside the conservatory and back hallway. Seems to be working!!!!   Not sure about the potential smell if I have to come into living spaces but its not so bad.  

Need to get some peas in soon so will try out the cotton wool balls when I plant those.  Definitely going to buy some mint plants on next garden centre foray. Strangely the old mint that used to invade one of the flower beds seems to have disappeared during recent hedge renovation. Both, usually cant get rid of it!  Sounds like it is easy to make your own oil by emersion of leaves in veg oil. 

Cheaper and better than the powdery spray things we have had knocking about in the shed!


  1. Looking forward to hearing if it works. I haven't done peas this year as yet due to mice getting more then me!

  2. Will regular mint work just as well? I have plenty of that!

    1. I think so. The ordinary garden mint has a strong smell. Worth an experiment!

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