Saturday, 27 October 2018

Sudden change of temperature

Sunny morning, a good 10C by coffee time, rain at lunch and by late afternoon......
thunder, lightening, heavy rain and HAIL!
Nearly a white out!  Dinner by candlelight.  The electric supply tripped out just as tea was going in the oven.  Quick change to do most of it on the stove top and rest went in fridge later for tomorrow. Lit the fire and closed our eyes for a bit.  No great loss, Saturday TV is a bit boring and we had nearly finished the Telegraph crossword. Is that getting easier or are we getting more intelligent? 75% from our brains and a dictionary before having to look anything up.  Luckily it was a lot of books/plays and plants which is right up our street.

Hour and a half later electric came back and heating kicked in.


  1. I am thankful every day that passes that we have not had an accumulation of snow as of yet. Hopefully this lasts for awhile even though the mornings are sometimes well below freezing.

    Harvey does a couple of crosswords every morning. Says it keeps his brain active.

    TV is boring here on Saturdays as well.

    God bless.

  2. There has been a real change in temperature. Quite a shock after the glorious weather we have had.

  3. Along the south coast we still had the beautiful blue skies and sun shine, but it was bitterly cold all day.
