Thursday, 1 November 2018

Autumn harvest

Our weather is yo-yoing between warmish and wet and then clear and bright. Wednesday was a lovely day and two loads of washing were dry by 3.30 pm.  There is nothing more lovely than white sheets billowing brightly!
I managed some gentle gardening after lunch, taking care not to overdo the sore back (again) and brought it in a bucket of potatoes and this lovely collection of roots, leeks  and a cabbage.
Next year I must make sure my husband gets seeds for SMALL cabbages. Thee great big things keep us going for a week!

That evening there was an article on the news about sustainable food and buying local - we looked at one another and laughed.  Apart from the small amount of chicken brought locally from the butcher who buys only local products, 90% of our dinner had traveled 50 yards down the garden.


  1. That's a great harvest, I so envy you with a veg garden.

  2. That is brilliant. Zero air miles for your veg. I was not successful with cabbage and brassicas this year.

  3. Looks like a good harvest and that cabbage would last us weeks! Keep growing!!

  4. just get him to plant the cabbages closer together , it makes them smaller

  5. Home grown is so much nicer isn't it Trish. Your veg looks lovely x
