Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Spring visitors

if I could catch these blighters I would ......   (tell them about social distancing??)


Two or three at a time appearing in kitchen. Been wiping down surface with smelly stuff, put sugar away (in fridge), checked outside wall for nest, still can't get rid.  

Image result for ants

Mind you in checking outside I noticed kitchen drain blocked. There followed a smelly half day of digging out a blockage. So I should thank them for making me go round the corner of the house!!

There are worse things to worry about today.

Our Children on Whats App group this morning. All city dwellers and finding supermarkets empty and somehow they have all decided to become bread makers again as they are stuck at home so are swapping tips. Apparently no yeast around - we discussed sour dough!  They are channelling their great grandfather who was a Master Baker and ran a bakery all through WWII. 

Our other spring visitor was a surprise bird. A very young thrush appeared complete with some fluffy baby feathers. He stayed for some mealworms. Don't see many of them.


  1. I've had a handful of ants each week throughout the winter. Couldn't put powder down as too wet out side and puppy inside. But we seem to have stemmed the tide. Natural greek yogurt seasoning and flour makes flat breads, very tasty and simple.

    1. Just had those flat-breads for lunch and they are my favourites too. Great way to use up that last inch of natural yougart that looks slightly ukk to eat.

  2. Love your thrush photo...not so much the ants but they are an inevitable problem as the days get warmer. Still going out to shop here and not finding too many shortages. Early days yet.

  3. What a little sweetie pie. Much nicer than our very loud sparrows or the pigeons that seem to want to nest on the balcony here at Kris's.

    God bless.

    1. Every time I open the garden equipment shed a robin tries to move in. Know there are a lot of spiders in there!
