Wednesday 2 November 2016

New followers

Welcome to new followers!

Like Sue in Suffolk mentioned a few blogs ago it is quite impossible to get the link to peoples blogs through the icon. I tried taking the name displayed and searching but that did not seem to help either.  I hit on the idea of clicking on the name shown on any comments and that got me back to some people's blogs!  So I can now follow some new people!

It is a good job I signed up for some IT lessons in the local library last week.  I think I need to learn some new tricks.  The lessons are about "Tablets" , or i pads, and the way they work differently to anything run through Windows. It was quite interesting.  I am thinking of replacing my laptop and old PC with one medium size tablet that I can take out to my sewing cabin and use there.  I want to follow U Tube videos and follow some of the on line lessons/tutorials that are available for sewing and painting and other crafts.

First cold day of the autumn today with a slight ground frost in the coldest pockets and shadowed places. At least it was bright sunshine and not the gloomy fog of the last 3 days.

 Lots to post about this week which will have to wait as I can barely stay awake after a full day of gardening.


  1. I do like my small tablet just for that reason. I can take it into the sewing/craft room and watch tutorials if I need to.

    God bless.

    1. Just what I want! Husband offered to move the old PC but it would take up too much room.

  2. I have a small tablet, Trish, but it takes an absolute age to type anything in if I want to respond to emails or posts so I could never give up on my PC. I do worry about security on the tablets too so it might be a consideration. BTW I can't reach blogs by clicking the icon either, it's very frustrating :/

    1. According to my lesson as the Tablet does not operate through Windows most virus will not affect it. But we have not explored emails and downloading risks yet!!

  3. Get some well earned rest you've been a busy lady lately.

    1. Would you believe it - really tired, but could I sleep?
