Thursday, 22 March 2018

Buy British?

Last week Unilever moved its headquarters out of the UK so I looked up what their products were thinking I would avoid supporting an EU business.  There were half a dozen brands I might buy - Lynx for the old man, Magnum ice creams for the old man, Colmans (especially annoying as they are leaving Norfolk too), PG tips....mmm that may be difficult......

Image result for passport uk
Then today's news!!!

Our post Brexit passports are to be manufactured in France!!!   Because EU rules about government tendering apparently.   I am gob smacked!

If I am going to buy British I am going to expect my Government to do the same.


  1. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad - more job losses for you to contend with!

  2. It is a mad world. I love to buy British when I can.

  3. As an retired immigration officer, I worry more about the possibility of stolen blanks. Genuine documents that can be easily adapted.

    1. I did wonder about that! Although the individual bit is done in Durham apparently you could easily see a lorry load going astray on the way!

  4. Ouch. That is crazy. Though now I want to know where Canada's passports are made.

    God bless.

    1. Probably here in the UK! That company produces passports for 30 other countries!! Its mad.
