Thursday, 8 March 2018

Thank you Frugal in Essex

Reading Frugal in Essex's blog regularly has finally filtered into my brain. We were just going to set off to T**co to put some credit on the cheap phone and get some shopping when I remembered how she checks for coupons before going out.  As the computer was already on, I leapt into action and printed off a £4 off coupon.

Pity our T**co is attached to a large Dobbies Garden Centre, while I was saving money and raiding the yellow stickers fairly successfully the husband had wandered off to buy "stuff" for the garden!  He refrained from buying a nice shrub and got some french bean seeds.


  1. I never think to check for coupons, but it is a good habit.

  2. Replies
    1. Club card account. Though I did see that if I saved for a year (I don't go in there very often)I could get our rail discount card for free next time round.
