Thursday, 12 December 2019

Christmas game for grandkids = no/low cost

My crochet efforts have led me to my first make! A basket! It was actual a pattern for a storage  pot from my library book on mindfully crocheting but mine was so wide I decided it needed handles added.
I used some wool left over from an abandoned attempt to learn to knit years ago and it was really suitable for using "doubled up" as in the pattern instructions, pink and blue, as one was too thin to be much good.

What should go in it?  I was reading a book last week about re-wilding an historic farm estate in west Sussex and the author explained dealing with the conservation agencies was like trying to get a lot of frogs all to hop into the same pot. Which made me think of a bean bag game the little ones might like as an indoor activity when the weather was bad. So off to the sewing cabin to look through the fabric stash and to look on the WWW for a frog pattern.

Found an 80p bag of cheap rice in the supermarket to fill them and now we have a nest of frogs!
I will let the 6 year olds make up the "rules" of the game and find some sweet treats to be prizes. I was thinking if you get two frogs in a pot you could get a human sacrifice ie a jelly baby?  It sort of leads into a climate emergency theme! 

I shall pop it into the Xmas gift bag - made out of on old pair of their pyjamas!


  1. Now that's what I call eco friendly! If not jelly baby friendly. Do children still bite the head off first?
