Saturday 7 November 2020

Paths refreshed

 Monty Donn always says if you want to freshen up your garden re cut the edges to your lawns/borders, last week we went one further and refreshed the gravel on the paths. We also made a new path through a fence and hedge to let the sun into a border that was too shaded.

It's made a lot of difference to the overall appearance. Also inspiring me to chase round and tackle some moss patches near the house. We have bucket of lawn sand knocking about that I can sprinkle on those. And it will be another thing emptied out of the shed. Win win.


  1. Don't just just love ticking things off that list. I'll be glad when the lawn stops growing.

  2. We don't seem to get those long cold spells that stop the grass anymore do we?

  3. Wow, what a difference.

    God bless.

  4. Looking great, it's great to use up stuff that's been kicking around awhile. Good job.
