Saturday, 16 January 2021


 My eldest, a teacher  in a specialist school, started his weekly Covid tests this week. All teachers done on Mondays and older cohort of returning pupils (residential) on Tuesdays. He was negative this week. His contribution to the process was to go to workshop in the most distant part of the school complex and build some test tube holders for the testers to use and then take his mother's advice to stay well out of the way!

Meanwhile my husband had his 74th birthday and got excited when an NHS logo envelope arrived. Not vaccine. 😞.  Advanced warning his bowel cancer screening test was due -  the poo test!

Oh,  in a sad Pooh voice, not much of a birthday card. 


  1. Hubby has had his poo test too. Happy 74th birthday. Long may the negative tests continue.p

  2. My poo test thingy came with the Christmas post. I couldn't get excited but I did my bit. (It's changed since I had my last one and is less yucky, by the way.)

  3. Sounds like something I would prefer to avoid!

  4. Pooh is such a thoughtful cutie. Many tests are being postponed, will your husband have the test scheduled?
