Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Well that was fun - not.

 Thanks for everyone's comments and I think we were all going to dress up a bit! 

The process at the local Health Centre followed its usual path. Do it on the cheap. Other centres have put up tents, laid out chairs, etc. Ours was running late, people queued outside (well spaced) and thankfully it was not raining or cold,  and when you got inside you did a shuffle round taped marks on the carpet round a "roundabout" of waiting room chairs pushed into a "pass the parcel circle" but you could not sit down!  

Once nearer the treatment rooms it was coats off, cardigans dangling, and go, go, go. I was probably the youngest and definitely the fittest I could see - at least I was not leaning on one, or two, walking sticks. My bright cardigan got a few comments about how cheerful it was!  Some people were told to wait in their cars 15 mins afterwards but when I queried should I hang about as I had walked there - it was No, off you go.   Thought about it and the two or three I heard being told to wait about were definitely on sticks, just had a heart attack (earlier gossiping) or were generally not "well". I must have been looking like a spritely spring chicken as no one worried about me!!!

24 hours later I could do with sympathy though. Arm is painful and I feel sick. I hope this does not last too long!!  I have my own vaccine anti medicine on the side for later. A very big bar!

Meanwhile I am milking the sympathy vote from husband who has more or less recovered from his jab last week. Made me porridge for breakfast, helped with the Grocery delivery and made coffee at 11am. Wonder if he could do the pancakes?


  1. We are having pancakes tomorrow as we are on support duty and have both grandson's, mummy has another hospital appointment. My arm still aches, I can't lay on it in bed, but no sickness, love your antisickness medicine, that would work for me as well.

  2. Ooh, poor you, I hope you feel better soon. It really will be worth it!

  3. I didn't feel ill after my jab but my arm was painful for a few days. It was the itching that drove me mad though on the injection site. It was nearly two weeks before it went completely. DB had no side effects but said he wouldn't know anyway as he has so many things wrong with him. I like your medicine.

  4. Definitely worth a bit of discomfort. Normally, with the annual 'flu shot I have no symptoms but they always have everyone wait 10 minutes before leaving.

  5. So sorry that you are having such a bad reaction. Hopefully it won't last too long....Wait, perhaps you could milk sympathy for the next few days.

    God bless.

  6. I've yet to receive a dose. In my county no numbers have been released, but I'm willing to bet that less than 1% of our 39,100 population has been vaccinated. Those rightly went to the nursing home residents and health care workers.

  7. I took my husband today and it took an hour for him to be processed. But its fine and I await mine. I may have to try that anti sickness medicine, I'll stock up ready for my vaccination.

  8. I have had my first as has my partner. We both experienced a slight soreness at the injection site itself, nothing more

    Hope your reaction passes soon. We will get out next dose in late April early May.

    A friend had his second dose over three weeks ago and yesterday got an antibody test...which came back negative today!
