Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Village litter

 I live in a very rural village in Norfolk (just off The Wash) which is 90% middle to upper class yet we have a dreadful problem with litter. In fact if the evidence of litter tells you anything we have a dreadful problem with alcoholics as 50% of the litter is gin, vodka, beer or energy drinks. And most of that seems to be tossed out of cars!!  There are quite a few bins around but litter is everywhere right out to the rural roads where the next habitation is a mile or two further on. Worst thing to see is how it gets ploughed into the fields and mixed with all those food crops! 

Last weekend some of the young parents of the village organised a litter pick (within Covid restrictions) off their own bat on the village Facebook. It was extremely successful with 200 black bags collected. Local businesses chipped in a skip and bags/gloves. Absolutely nothing was organised by the Parish or Borough council. As I am on the Parish council I was a bit ashamed but did my bit as a private citizen and expressed private support to the organiser. Not allowed to be public on this social media stuff apparently (and one day I probably will get sacked as a Councillor)!!!

Small Treasures blog posted this image of an anti litter campaign " 'up North".

I love it. Suggested to the other Councillors we get some! But probably not "suitable" language round here!! 

I have put a poster on my non-recycling bin supporting the Tidy Village campaign and openly invited anyone to drop a black bag of litter picked in it if there is room. We never fill our bin up completely anyway and our 2 widower neighbours can go months without even bothering to put out their bins they have so little in them. We have plenty of capacity for litter and we have paid for collection anyway!

Shame that even after last weekend's efforts I have within half a mile of my house picked up 3 carrier bags full of rubbish in the last 3 days. Ah well, at least litter picking on the way back from the post box (the one marked NHS priority right out at the end of the farm lane) where I was dropping in the Bowel Cancer tests allowed me to say a sentence I never expected to my husband on return:
 "I've been posting poo and picking up crap!".


  1. I've been doing a bit of litter picking over the last few weeks, when I walk the dog in a particular place, as I don't like to see it strewn with litter. Like your area, it's mostly alcohol bottles and cans and sweet wrappers. I try to fill a bin bag with rubbish and a recycling bag with recycling each time I go, but I put them in communal bins rather than in our own.

  2. We try and help out on our local beach clean, it's a horrible job, but so pleasing when done. Love the sign.

  3. It's something I've really noticed in other countries (especially Belgium and France) that they don't seem to have the same litter problem as here. It doesn't matter where you are in the UK, somebody will have left something. I'm intrigued how other countries make litter just not happen.

  4. Frustrating when it just keeps happening. I think other countries do better by employing people to do a daily trash pickup.

  5. That sign is just perfect. We have a litter problem here as well. I get very upset when walking to see the messes people leave behind. Quite often I take a small bag with me and pick up litter.

    God bless.

  6. My village is very good. The only time we have problems is on a windy recycling day when the bin men can't be bothered to pick up what flys out of the bin when they are emptying it.
